Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gingerbread and stuff

It feels like I've had time to do nothing lately but maybe it is because there's been too much going on.

We've celebrated my mum's 50th year-old birthday. I will try to make a post about that later.

Also I had the most annoying flu that didn't wanna go away.

and I have baked some Gingerbread;

I've done Sumo and some other funny games with my colleagues. This is probably how it should look like:

and this is how it looks when I do it:

It looks funny but after three minutes we were so dead we could hardly continue :-)...therefore a lot of giggeling...:-P

Also we had the cutest puppy and our friend's over visiting...It has grown!

The small and the big one :-)


  1. Nalle sa att ni ser ut som feta Teletubbies! =D

  2. Your sumo video is the best thing ever...!!! :D

