Tuesday, May 26, 2009

House work and stuff

Well Eurovision was a total disaster for Finland as always. It is also long time since I´ve seen a Eurovision so boring. There was no excitement in waiting for who´s gonna win. I would have preferred Iceland to win instead of Norway, I didn´t really like the song at all. At least we saw Eurovision in good company after some nice BBQ.

The day before Eurovision we had a yammi Mexican team dinner at our friend´s place. Tequila is evil but Corona is ok even though I usually don´t like beer.

To continue on the Mexican team we ate dinner at Cantina West the next week in order to celebrate our friend´s birthday. I love the interior in this restaurant and the food is yummy too. The restaurant must be huge since everytime we go they take us to a new place, terass, second floor, celler and so on, I never realized it was so big.

I think the birthday girl´s nephews stole the show during the dinner though;

Finally we also started renovating our house in Liljendal. We bought a BBQ and invited some friends over :-) The result so far is a piece of new floor in the second floor...jeee! :-D

Thanx Martin for your expertise help! we couldn´t have done it without you :-) And Cia and Nalle too for lifting stuff and giving ideas.

Little Vasco also enjoyed the house:-)

Here´s a picture from starting the floor work, unfortunetly I didn´t have a pic of the laminate acctually installed;

Maybe next weekend I´ll have time to start painting the wall some other colour than the yellow you can see on the pic.

You have to also take a peek at Cia´s blogg, she put up some nice videos of the boys working on emptying the room;
Cia´s blogg

1 comment:

  1. Jag gilla också Island bätter än Norge.
    Va fin regnbåge där e på bilden av huset. Hoopas ert remppande går bra. :)
