Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Back from Holiday

Sweden was great-except for the weather, which was not bad but not great:-)

We just picked up our lovely dog from my parents-I think my mum was even sad to leave him :-) Faro was for sure sad to leave the country side were he has been able to run freely and has gotten loads of attention and good food, so it has been a good holiday for him too.

Curious thing of the day: we ended up giving two gypsies a ride to the gas station because they had run out of gas on the motorway. Sadly enough I do have prejudgements about gypsies and moved my handbag to the front seat when they got into the car, they seemed nice though.

Seems it didn't help my Karma though as my phone crashed while doing an update and now it seems I have to restore the factory settings-which on an iphone means I will loose a LOT of apps and stuff I have downloaded :-(

I guess it is my bad as I almost never plug it to the computer and therefore don't have any good back-up either. But do I feel like dropping it from our balcony on the 6th floor and turn my back on technology forever-Yes I do.


  1. Om du syncat din telefon med iTunes på datorn så finns alla dina apps där :)

  2. Det var just det att jag inte hade gjort det på länge. En del Apps fanns nog men inte alla och allt e nu en ända oordning på telefonen efter att den synkkades. Jag blir bara så störd när tekniken inte fungerar och tar min tid istället för att spara tid och göra mitt liv lättare.

  3. OUNOU! :(
    Jo jag vet, jag brukar o bli helt förbannad om tekniken strular. Hoppas du får det att fungera! :)

  4. Hahahahahaha, hur var din uppdatering? Har samma fördomar med mustalaiset...

    puss och kram jätte tråkig här på arbetet Nati

  5. Updateringen gick sedan ok-fast några av de apparna jag hade blev borta:(

    Hoppas du hittar på någonting att göra på jobbet!:) puss o kram!
