Thursday, February 24, 2011


Every Saturday morning at 9am (!) I usually head to agility training with this cute dog if it is not too cold.

Sometimes it's difficult to get up that early in the morning on a Saturday but once you are there and you see how happy he is it is worth it and now I have started enjoying it too-in the beginning I was super nervous and not sure what to do. I am always the same when trying a new thing even if I know there is nothing to be nervous of- but I guess I have to get comfortable with the surroundings and the people first.

Unfortunately we just heard that Helsinki city has closed down the agility hall for some time because the building doesn't building is not secure in it's structure. I guess this have something to do with the amount of snow on the roof but I am not sure. Well hopefully we can enjoy agility training soon again.


  1. Wow, I always wanted to do agility as a child. With a dog, of course, not by myself...

  2. It's loads of fun but it takes some patience in the beginning. The first times Faro only run around greeting the other dogs but know he has started to concentrate on working with me:)

    Agility you can start at whichever age so do try if you have the chance :)
