Sunday, January 31, 2010


I just realized it's last day of January and I haven't had time to write nothing in ages! Late Happy New Year to everybody!

We began our New Year of 2010 with a week in Spain, which was really nice but not much warmer than here :-P I met for the first time the Vancouver couple in Rioja:-) Hopefully we meet again soon!

We didn't see snow in Spain even though we knew there was some of it too. Seems this winter most countries in Europe got snow. Also we have gotten loads and loads of it.

At the moment Stefan's cousin in visiting us and we spent the whole day outside. Sledging and walking and the boys tried walking on ice too :-) Also Faro enjoyed the snow a lot. Right now I'm exhausted and decided to stay home while the boys still headed to town for a drink. I'll try to update next time before end of February :-D