Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Paprika and Chili

Oh, a little little thing made me happy today:-)

My paprika plant is blooming! This one I have planted from a little seed in a bell paprika:

I just wanted to see what happens, if it grows at all. I'm so proud of it :-) (must mean we have taken care of it well, hehe)

Pics of the little one;

Maybe I should try to buy a chiliplant again....last time I had one it died pretty quickly though. Perhaps I need more practise :-P

That would be cool to be able to pic your own chilis for dinner. Yammiiiii!

We also had basilica in a pot for a while but it got pretty miserable after some time. This is not ours but fresh basilica with tomato and mozzarella cheese, who can resist it?

This is our orange plant, that I planted from some orange seeds, it's super small still and doesn't bloom :-S I'm scared it's not gonna last long anymore;

Any spice, vegetable or fruit you have tried to grow? succeeded?


  1. Jag planterade lite chilifrön för en tid sen! Nu har jag 8 små plantor av lite olika storlekar, få nu se om någon av dem klarar sej... :)

  2. The little paprika flower is so cute :)
    But I think we will still have to wait to get our own orange juice in the mornings... Patience!

  3. Vitsi du har nog så gröna fingrar. :D Jag får knappt en kaktus att hållas i liv.

  4. I recommend you to buy pimientos del padron´s seeds on your next trip to Spain and organize a tapas dinner for your friends after the first Havest :-). I wouldn´t mind to have some pimientos del piquillo.
