Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Vappu, Cooper Test and Eurovision

Vappu came and went again and it was suuper nice as always. We were lucky with the weather as well. We also had the first party in our balcony which was a great success! :-)

Today we had a sports day at work for the ones who wanted to join. You could choose between running Cooper test or doing a walk test. I did the Cooper with three other girls from our team. It´s been some time since I last been jogging so I tried to train some for the last three weeks because I knew the test was coming up....but three weeks is not much if you want to suddenly be in a excellent running shape. Anyhow, I´m quite happy with my result in the end, I run 2270 meters in 12 minutes, and that´s supposed to be a "good" result for a normal person. But well I´ve run better in high school.

We also had some test for the balance, strenght and some machine tests for knowing the fat percent of your body and stuff. That was wierd, you stood on a metal thingy barefoot that looked just like a normal scale and this machine suddenly knew your stuff like your body weight, fat percent, fat mass, muscle mass, water percentage in your body and bone mass ! I wonder how accurate it is really....well I was happy to see that the scale thought my body weight was 3 kg less than at my parents place :-P Know I also know I should consume 5309 kcal per day and that my metabolic age is 13....interesting... The fact that my degree of obesity is in minus percentage I will take as an encouragement to eat more sweets during coffee break ;-)

I don´t like too much the Finnish Eurovision song this year...too much disco for me! But;
Good luck to Finland in Eurovision semifinal tonight anyway:


  1. El año que viene, tenemos que hacer un conjunto hispano-finlandés para ir a Eurovisión, y vengarnos de la terrible derrota. La venganza es un plato que se come frío, y los finlandeses entienden mucho de frío.

  2. Pues el año que viene vamos Catta y yo y nos marcamos un tema a capela y acústico hispano-finés.
    Se van a enterar.
