Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Friend in France

My second cousin just informed me she has a blogg about her exchange year in Grenoble. Anyone interested please take a look, it seems like a pretty place:)

We spent a nice week in Jura mountains with her, Oca and some other people summer of 2001 (if I remember correct) performing a shadow theatre.

I wish I has some digiphotos from that trip, I'm gonna dive into the printed album next time we are in Liljendal amd see if I can scan something.

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  1. Oj nej, är det 10 år sen redan!? Man känner ju sej gammal...

  2. Hmm, jag undrar om det inte ändå var 2002? :-P Anywayz så är det ju nog en tid sedan! Fast det känns inte så! och tänk-du har hunnit få tre barn sedan dess så du har ju nog hunnit med massor :-)
