Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Better little by little

Had introduction day today at school and even if we really haven't solved much of our problems I do feel better. At least my phone's Internet works now so let's hope the blogging is ok:)

As the professor said today: if you can't get what you want make sure you get what you need.

On request here is some pics of our Sweden countryside house.

Faro and the garden.

Our landlords' house next to ours.

Once we get things sorted indoors I'll take some pics there as well.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. It looks wonderful!!!! :)

  2. wow! is your house the largest one?? is huge!! and very nice! :o)

  3. Lena and Olesja: Thanks!

    Enkeli: No, our house is the smaller one but it is still nice and just the size we need:-)
