Sunday, September 18, 2011


I thought I would write a little bit about the University and the studies in SLU (Sveriges Lantbruks Universitet) in Uppsala as I think there might be some people interested in that.

I am very happy I attended the information days before the first week of classes because we really started off from day one with serious studying. Already the first week we had a seminar in class which needed to be prepared by with reading an article and writing a paper. However, we have a very inspiring teacher and it's been interesting so far so I am not minding doing the work. The exam is already next Monday (after more or less a month of classes)-which means I will do a lot more studying during the week that is coming up. But after that we will mostly have external lecturers which will be interesting but hopefully a bit more relaxed. During this first period, which will last until end of october, I acctually have only one course but it is 15 studypoints so we're required to put some effort, the course is called Environmental and Social Responsibilty Marketing.

Overall the University is quite focused on sustainable issues-their slogan is "Knowledge for a sustainable future" and it is in their strategy at least until next year.

I have all my classes in the same classroom in the economy-department building. Just under the classroom is a "fika"-room, where you can have coffee or lunch. This is shared between students and staff but that has not been a problem yet. Apperently it is also very common here that students and proffessors take a coffee togheter during breaks.

At least we have enough microwaves during lunch (note also the different bins for all kind of different trash). There is also two dish washing machines, one for dirty and one for clean-which I think works really well, this way the clean and dirty don't get mixed (at least not so often)

In general it seems that most people bring their own lunch as the student lunch cost the same as for externals, but also the staff and professors seems to bring their own lunch. Which is good because I have also made an effort to bring my own and hopefully it will save me some money during my studies. Also in the student union house there is a similar place for eating but it is always crammed during lunch so I prefer to stick to our department which is a bit more calm.

This I think is the restaurant building, but the student union building looks similar-it's an old barn that they have renovated.

Otherwise it is very green around Campus, which is nice. Not that I know if it will make much difference in the winter. This is just outside the economic department:

And international students playing kubb on the grass (my team was a disaster, I didn't remember kubb being so difficult!):

In general I like the campus very much, the only minus could be that we are a bit outside from the center so it lacks a store and an ATM. There is a University store though but they sell mostly pens, paper, SLU-shirts etc., you can find some snacks there but not food.

They are also building on the campus area so I think that in a year everybody will move to the new buildnings. Perhaps even after New Year's? Not really sure. Not really sure either why they are buidling new as the old ones seem to work ok but I guess they have their reasons. Will update with more pics later, when and if, the new buildnings get ready.

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