Now after two years with such an active puppy he is slowly calming down and we are so happy to have such a beautiful, funny and clever dog. He's quite head-strong which he completely use against me but nowadays I'm aware of it and try to think one step ahead of him, with more and less success :-)
But the things I love most about him is his playfulness & mischief, the way he knows to be gentle around kids and the cleverness.
Faro and his sister in Finland:
In the end I think we chose a good dog-breed for us so it was good that we took a lot of time thinking of that. Even if I'd love to have a new Faro-puppy I am quite curious of trying another breed one day. We have also been considering perhaps taking a dog that needs a new home one day, but there is of course always a risk in that. But we'll see, no more dogs until we are back from Sweden at least :-)
Stefan also posted some pics of Faro for the anniversary.
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