Monday, May 2, 2011

A different Vappu

It's probably the first year that we have not gone to Havis Amanda on Vappu. I didn't miss it at all-maybe I am getting old or I have just seen it too many times already. We spent most of the time with lovely Ida who we haven't seen in ages, whenever the sun was out we were trying to catch a bit of it on our balcony:

For a short while we went to Hannas place

but we couldn't leave the coolest party-dog at home alone for long:

The next morning he decided that Ida's lap was the best place for breakfast:

And since he had been such a good dog we took him swimming at Ida's place for the first time this year. He was such a happy dog!

We also took the opportunity to train some retrieving in their backyard. Back at home Faro enjoyed just relaxing in the sofa-and even if we didn't party much the day before that was pretty much all the action for us as well the rest of the day. Sometimes you need a Sunday like this:

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