Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Best Friends

I know someone who's gonna like this pic:

I just have to upload these too, we were sledging in Paloheinä and Faro enjoyed the top of the hill:


  1. Oj vad han har blivit stor! Han var ju så liten på julkortsbilderna. Sötis! ♥

  2. Joo, han har vuxit :-)Men de e nog kiva när han börjar bli mera rumsren o så :-P

  3. Those two are the most beautiful puppies in the world!!! I want to eat them but since one is my baby and the other is Catarina's this is a NO NO. But they are super super edible and cute aren't they? :-)))) Nati

  4. I love all the pics of this post! ^^
    Faro is super cute!! also the cocker!

  5. Thanks, It would be great if we could organize a dinner at some point and you can see Faro live ;-)

  6. Yes, Cat! I would like to! I have posted a comment in fb to Stefan as I have noticed that this Thursday is his bday. Otherwise, after my travel back from Barcelona we could arrenge a spanish dinner at my place and Faro will be very welcome :))

  7. Genial! :-) Espero que nos veamos pronto, have a good time in Barcelona!
